Ter Stege Tunnel, Olst
In the Dutch village Olst, a bicycle- and pedestrian tunnel officially opened March 31. The tunnel is not only an asset for road safety, but you can also admire the colorful artwork 'The Time Machine' printed on Steni Vision Custom.

Marina Nijdeken is the artist of the work. She involved many residents in her creation. Dozens of residents of Olst were portrayed and primary school students helped to color the backgrounds.
Nijdeken: 'I was inspired by ordinary people with their own special stories. Everyone who contributed inspired me. Through the melancholy of the past, the speed of the present time and ignorance of what is to come. But above all because of the cheerfulness, the color and the fun.'
I was inspired by ordinary people with their own special stories. Everyone who contributed inspired me.Marina Nijdeken, artist

The municipality of Olst commissioned M2uur bv for the production and installation of a vandalism-proof art sollution. M2uur bv realized the technical layout for the production on 13 continuous panels. The files were printed on Steni Vision, fiberglass-reinforced stone composite panels provided with a UV-resistant coating. The panels are glued on aluminum profiles by M2uur.

Freekje Vervoord, M2uur: “It is fantastic that we can show Art in public spaces this way. Besides increases the work the feeling of social safety. The durable Steni panels have a 60-year warranty and are therefore excellent for such applications. In Scandinavia, complete facades are provided with Art in this way. In the Netherlands we are more modest. As far as I'm concerned, all could be a bit more exuberant and daring!”
It is fantastic that we can show Art in public spaces this way. Besides increases the work the feeling of social safety.Freekje Vervoord, M2uur

'The Time Machine' transforms a generic tunnel into a unique location. The exuberant, colorful work is a salute to the inhabitants ánd to the village Olst. They provide a cheerful celebration.

Photos by Gerhard Aberson
About the project
Client: ProRail, Municipality of Olst-Wijhe
Designer: Marina Nijdeken
Location: Tunnel walls
Contractor: M2uur bv
Material: Steni Vision
Dimension: 40 x 1.2 meters